Wednesday, January 16, 2008


this is our second sankranthi together....last one we did nothing,we actually planned to visit my in laws but then the ice storm changed everything n we ended up staying 3 days watching out of the windows sipping hot chocolate ... but it was wonderful.
this year i we did go anywhere again thanks to her....but then i was busy cooking...i made some murukulu,rasmalai with ricotta they turned out yummy will upload some snaps.then on sankranthi had a nice puja,our traditional paramannam,garelu and kalagura(mixed veg curry with yams plantain,squashes sweet potato n beans..not as good as mom's)he was happy.i dressed her up in a new skirt n shirt ..she was so cute.i think "nene dishti pedathanemo".
i told what we did as kids on bhogi...abt the bhogi manta n all the fun we we spent on sankranthi n all the yummy things mummy cooked...god only knows how much she understood but saket thought bhogi manta

1 comment:

Sree said...

:).. belated wishes.. amma dishti tagaladule :)

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